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Desert Road


A closer look at it all...

Everything in the mud museum is hand made and cured over time - usually by sunlight! Each design is unique and carefully thought out. Slowly but surely, it has all come together to what it is now. This museum is sure to make your day brighter, and inspire the kid in us all. Read on to find out what each piece is all about!

Gallery: Gallery


I wanted to have an official mud-made sign that represented what this is all about. One giant ball of mud was used, and carefully flattened into the size of a volleyball and hand engraved. Patience and attention to detail were key to bringing this plaque to life. It's a stepping stone into our future as a mud museum and is proudly displayed front and center in the exhibit.



This is our most prized piece within the collection. It is completely made of mud, contains no inner supports, and took two attempts to get it perfect. The curing process took significantly longer for this piece as it needed to be strong enough to stand on its own and not break. It was made as a display of strength and freedom. Defying gravitational forces and proving that the right mixture of water and dirt can become a free-standing and concrete-like finished product. Handmade and rolled, it was meticulously placed over an empty paint can to create its shape. 2 weeks later, it was ready. Within those 2 weeks, the artist refurbished and repaired weak areas that were starting to show. Cracks and imperfections were plentiful, but daily care and attention kept it together. It's finished pieces like this that make it worth it.



The Mud Pyramid contains some of the finest and purest mud. The consistency is much smoother and cleaner than most of our creations. It is completely free of small debris, rocks, and other natural materials which gives it it's clean finish and beautiful texture. Legend has it that some of the dust used to create this masterpiece originated from the Egyptian sand dunes after becoming airborne and traveling thousands of miles. What started as one ball of mud was slowly formed into the Pyramid shape that it is now. While it may not be aligned with any stars, it is still special to us and will remain as a valued piece to the collection



The mud-hawk was inspired by the other mud men that were created. They all seemed to be missing something. We started using googly eyes on some of our first mud-men and wanted to improve the design. Bristles from a broom were used to bring this piece to life and it was an instant hit.  It's mud-men like this that inspire us all to be who we want to be. To grow your hair out, be a little crazy, and live your best life. 



The Mud snake! What started out as one long rolled up piece of mud, the mud snake was carefully coiled up into the finished product it is now. It was the first mud-animal we created and inspired more animal designs later on. The artist's finishing touches completed the mud snake, giving him more detail, eyes and a tongue. 



The mud snail and mini mud snake are two of our smallest and most precise designs. It's a miracle that they survived the curing process being how small and fragile they are. The shell was locally found and was picked out as a perfect home for our mud snail, who has lived in it ever since. The mini mud snake was an accident and we believe it came from the larger Mud snake within the exhibit. Nonetheless, he is harmless and keeps the mud snail in good company! 

Thank you for checking us out! Stay tuned for updates!

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